Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Smart Storage Tips.

I use the clear plastic containers that Asian restaurants put soup,etc. in on my work benches. As they are see through, you can put nuts, bolts, screws or any small hardware in them, and see exactly what's inside.
Matt Nowell, Charlotte

This is my hint for storing all those pocketbooks we ladies accumulate:
I bought an inexpensive package of metal shower rings and clipped them together into several chains of different lengths. I then screwed a large teacup hook into the back of my closet wall and hung the chains. In the hooks I hung my pocketbooks by the straps, and now no more bulky bags in dresser drawers or stacked on shelves.
Jeanne Stamm, Charlotte


Irene Jennings said...

That's a very nice tips for storage. Thanks a lot for the idea. I will also make that for my office.

By: Montana Elk Hunts