Thursday, November 10, 2011

Save money on bed sheets?

This tip came in from a reader......

I have noticed that my bed sheets wear out at the foot area so when I buy new bed sheets, I use a permanent magic marker and mark one corner. I usually wash my sheets and put them back on the bed because it is easier for me. I always take notice of which corner my mark is on and move it a quarter turn so my sheets wear evenly. They last much longer that way.


Donna said...

Turning your bed sheet 1/4 each time you wash it will only work if your bed is a square. Since all beds are rectangles and bed sheets only fit a certain way, do the math and you'll see turning the sheets this way won't work. However, if you turn your sheets inside out every other time you wash, this may work since both the top and bottom surfaces of the sheet are being used- but won't look as pretty.

Irene Jennings said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing information on some ways to stretch my dollars with my bed linens. This has been very useful for me. Towing Georgetown TX